Once you have earned your online Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, you are well on your way to the next important step in getting ready to obtain a job out there in the real world. At this point, you are more than anxious to meet your new students and, without a doubt, you are ready to create a fun and exciting curriculum that will stimulate their minds and help to lay a foundation for learning that they can expand upon in the future.
But, first and foremost, you must obtain certification or licensure to teach your little ones. As a student of Early Childhood Education, you learned about children’s development, how to keep your kids healthy and safe while in your care, as well as, providing their nutritional and psychological needs. So, through passing a certification exam, you will show that you have gained the knowledge needed and that you are capable of implementing your skills to allow for the best care of your students.
To begin, let’s just state this important fact: Every state has their own requirements in regard to high school prerequisites, the desired college degree, the required amount of student teaching hours and to the specific certification exam and licensure that they require to allow you to teach. With that being said, please check with your state’s board to determine exactly what is expected of you before completing your online Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education program.
Possibly the most recognized certification for teaching preschoolers is the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. Of course, you must have the correct training for application to take the exam such as, your high school diploma, formal education and internship experience. The CDA provides a set of competency standards that each teaching professional must adhere to and continues to ensure that quality instructors are teaching our young children. As children grow mentally, the CDA understands each stage of mind development that occurs and how to handle it with ease to ensure the success of each child.
The CDA exam consists of roughly sixty multiple choice questions and five scenario questions with one hour and forty-five minutes to complete. All testing is computer generated.
By meeting the demands required by the CDA, you possess the ability to meet and exceed all job requirements, as well as, advance in your career. You will be more than qualified to provide physical and emotional care for your students, in addition to, understanding their development and how to appropriately utilize effective teaching methods. Certification through the CDA reinforces your personal commitment to your craft. Certification may also be obtained through the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation program. Check with your state for certification requirements.
As all general standards are set by each state’s Board of Education, a background check and first aid training is often also required, along with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training. In most cases, certifications will require additional training and renewal by showing active teaching experience and obtaining a membership in an organization that specializes in the childcare industry.
If you are interested in this field, please see our list of the Top Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education Online Degree Programs.