We just made it SUPER EASY for you to search online schools and the degree programs they offer by STATE! We’ve compiled a directory of colleges and universities in each state in the U.S. that offers ONLINE degree programs as well as, online and on-campus TRADE schools. Listed within each state are PRIVATE and PUBLIC, four-year plus colleges, along with the addresses, phone numbers, links to each school’s website, accreditation status, religious affiliation (if applicable) and the degree programs they offer ONLINE.
We hope that you find this directory helpful in your journey in finding the right school for you and your online schooling needs. The most UP-TO-DATE information on the web!

Alabama – NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, located in Hunstville, AL, built the first rocket to put humans on the moon.
Alaska – Dog Mushing is the official state sport of Alaska. In the past, dog sleds were used to transport mail and freight across Alaska.
Arizona – The Grand Canyon National Park is in the great state of Arizona, covering 1,218,375 acres.
Arkansas – Arkansas is known for diamonds, as they are the only state in the U.S. that produces them.
- Arkansas Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Arkansas
California – San Francisco’s cable cars are the only ones still in operation in a U.S. city. In 1964, they were given the distinguished title of “the first moving National Historic Landmark.”
- California Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in California
- The Best Trade Schools In California – Campus and Online
Connecticut – Connecticut holds the title of “the first” for a lot of products, such as the first helicopter, color TV, Polaroid camera, lollipop-making machine, and first hamburger.
- Connecticut Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Connecticut
Colorado – With its high elevation, Colorado has the highest auto paved road in the U.S., leading to Mt. Evans – elevation 14,260 feet above sea level.
- Colorado Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Colorado
Delaware – On December 7, 1787, Delaware became the first state in the Union. Because of this distinction, they are given the first position in many national events, such as presidential inaugurations.
- Delaware Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Delaware
Florida – Florida produces the most oranges, provides the most golf course options than any other state, and the state reptile is the alligator.
- Florida Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Florida
- The Best Trade Schools in Florida – Campus and Online
Georgia – Stone Mountain, depicting the faces of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson, is one of the single largest displays of exposed granite in the world.
- Georgia Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Georgia
- The Best Trade Schools in Georgia – Campus and Online
Hawai’i – Hawai’i is the home of surfing, originating hundreds of years ago. They also are the only state with two official languages.
Idaho – Most think of Idaho as the “potato” state, but they are also known as the “gem” state, as there are a massive amount of gemstones found in Idaho, specifically the Star Garnet.
Illinois – The city of Chicago is the third-largest city in the U.S. In addition, Illinois is the home of Square Dancing and the headquarter of McDonald’s, which is located in Oak Brook, IL.
- Illinois Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Illinois
- The Best Trade Schools in Illinois – Campus and Online
Indiana – Santa Claus may be one of the most popular cities in the state of Indiana. Most definitely, they get more letters to Santa than the North Pole… and they always answer them back!
Iowa – The state of Iowa was named after an American Indian tribe. The name Iowa means “beautiful land.” It’s nicknamed the Hawkeye state.
Kansas – In 1905, helium was discovered at the University of Kansas.
Kentucky – Kentucky is the horse capital of the world and is known as the home of the Kentucky Derby. Also, two sisters from Louisville, KY, Patty and Mildred Hill, penned the tune “Happy Birthday!”
- Kentucky Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Kentucky
Lousiana – While most states are divided into “counties,” Louisiana is the only state divided into “parishes.” Historically, in 1807, this practice was adopted by the legislature and was based on boundaries relating to church parishes.
- Louisiana Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Louisiana
Maine – If you are hungry for lobster, head to Maine. Maine supplies 90% of the country’s lobster supply, with over 100 million pounds harvested each year.
Maryland – Baltimore, Maryland is the hometown of Edgar Allen Poe. His poem, The Raven, was the inspiration for Maryland’s baseball team, the Baltimore Ravens.
- Maryland Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Maryland
Massachusetts – The first Thanksgiving harvest celebration was in November 1621 at Plymouth, MA. The oldest university in the U.S., Harvard University, was founded in 1636 in Cambridge, MA.
- Massachusetts Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Massachusetts
Michigan – Michigan is home to the world’s tallest identical twins, according to the Guinness World Records. How tall were they? 7 feet, 3 inches – Michael and James Lanier.
- Michigan Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Michigan
- The Best Trade Schools in Michigan – Campus and Online
Minnesota – The Mall of America, located in Bloomington, MN, covers 9.5 million square feet, the size of 78 football fields.
- Minnesota Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Minnesota
Mississippi – Mississippi is the home of more churches than any other state in the U.S., consequently, more people in the state also go to church more than residents in other states.
- Mississippi Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Mississippi
Missouri – In 1912, Captain Berry made the first successful parachute jump out of a moving plane in St. Louis.
- Missouri Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Missouri
Montana – Montana’s official state animal is the grizzly bear. They have the largest grizzly bear population in the lower 48 states.
Nebraska – Nebraska has the most miles of river than the other states.
- Nebraska Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Nebraska
Nevada – Nevada is the world’s top producer of gold and they legalized gambling in March of 1931.
New Hampshire – New Hampshire is known as the “Granite” state, due to its abundance of granite quarries and formations.
- New Hampshire Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in New Hampshire
New Jersey – New Jersey’s Spoon Museum contains over 5,400 spoons.
- New Jersey Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in New Jersey
New Mexico – Per capita, New Mexico has more Ph.D. holders than any other state.
- New Mexico Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in New Mexico
New York – New York City is the home of the first pizzeria, established in 1895.
- New York Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in New York
- The Best Trade Schools In New York – Campus and Online
North Carolina – The first mini-golf course was built in Fayetteville, NC.
- North Carolina Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in North Carolina
- The Best Trade Schools in North Carolina – Campus and Online
North Dakota – North Dakota made the world’s largest hamburger in Rutland, ND. It weighed 3,591 pounds; it served 8,000 plus people.
- North Dakota Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in North Dakota
Ohio – In 1865, the first ambulance service was offered in Cincinnati, OH.
- Ohio Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Ohio
- The Best Trade Schools in Ohio – Campus and Online
Oklahoma – 1,224 square miles of water cover Oklahoma. 33.7 million acres of Oklahoma are farmland.
- Oklahoma Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Oklahoma
Oregon – The Guinness Book of World Records names the D River the shortest river in the world at 121 feet, running from Devils Lake into the ocean.
Pennsylvania – Pittsburgh, in 1913, opened the first automobile service station.
- Pennsylvania Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Pennsylvania
- The Best Trade Schools in Pennyslvania – Campus and Online
Rhode Island – In 1895, Rhode Island hosted the first open golf tournament. In the U.S., the first circus was held in Newport in 1774.
- Rhode Island Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Rhode Island
South Carolina – In Charleston, SC, you can see the country’s oldest living tree, called The Angel Oak. Standing at 66.5 feet, it is thought to be 500 years old.
- South Carolina Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in South Carolina
South Dakota – South Dakota is the home of Mount Rushmore, boasting the world’s best mountain carving, including the faces of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and George Washington.
- South Dakota Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in South Dakota
Tennessee – East Tennessee is the home of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the most-visited U.S. national park with over 12 million visitors per year.
- Tennessee Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Tennessee
Texas – Also known as the Lone Star State, Texas is the home of “Dr. Pepper,” invented in 1885 in Waco. The recipe remains a secret and is kept in two different halves in two different safety deposit bank boxes in Dallas.
- Texas Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Texas
- The Best Trade Schools in Texas – Campus and Online
Utah – A portion of a national forest is located in every county in the state of Utah, making it the only state with the distinction.
Vermont – Vermont is the home of maple syrup. It’s also the home of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, which began in Burlington, VT at a gas station.
Virginia – Eight U.S. Presidents were born in the great state of Virginia, more than any other state, namely, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, and Wilson – 7 of the first 12 presidents.
- Virginia Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Virginia
Washington – How did Washington get its name? From George Washington. It is the only state named after a U.S. President.
- Washington Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Washington
West Virginia – Effective July 1, 1921, West Virginia was the first to impose a sales tax.
- West Virginia Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in West Virginia
Wisconsin – Wisconsin leads the nation in the export of dairy products, sweet corn, cranberries, whey, and ginseng root.
- Wisconsin Colleges Offering Online Degrees
- Top Online Schools and Best Value Schools (ROI) in Wisconsin