If you intend to cheat in your online program, WHO are you actually cheating? YOURSELF!
Hopefully, at this stage of your educational journey, you’ve matured and learned that cheating only hurts oneself; however, if you are still tempted… think again. Deception remains a problem for both the traditional brick-and-mortar school, as well as, the online distance learning format. Online universities and massive open online courses (MOOCs) use a variety of tools to deter students from cheating.
How are tests administered for online classes?

The most effective way to catch a cheater includes proctored exams. In this format, students must travel to a specific location for their tests. Proctored exams will require photo identification, such as your driver’s license. Also, virtual proctoring applications are also available, where a student “shows up” via webcam and footage is reviewed as needed.
Can I get away with cheating? I mean, how will they know?!

The short answer: NO! Keystroke verification software is another form of monitoring each student. The software analyzes how quickly a student can type, along with, their keystroke rhythm. Through this method, professors can tell whether or not the same student is typing during a test. In some cases, online universities may use biometric technology, a form of high-tech scan to identify the correct student is taking the right test. This could include retina scanning, palm vein scans, in addition to, finger and facial recognition.
When completing assignments or when testing, there’s no need to copy word for word someone else’s work. After all, it is illegal. Plagiarism software is readily available that detects “same word phrases.” Using this technology will help you express your original thoughts, as well as, help professors identify cheaters.
Rest assured, experienced test givers know all the tricks, such as wandering eyes or a fake Internet disconnection, in hopes of looking up a correct answer. And, of course, there is good old-fashioned common sense. If a student frequently exemplifies an average C grade, professors are suspicious if they suddenly ace a test. An investigation can be expected!
Don’t you want to learn all you can? And, retain it?

And, most importantly, bring it forward with you in your future endeavors? It sounds cliché, but the lesson here is never to cheat because you will get caught and you’re only cheating yourself!
We created a wonderful INFOGRAPHIC called How Students Cheat Online JUST for this question!