Working toward a Master’s in International Relations actually gives you a variety of career options to consider once you graduate. Salaries can range anywhere from the lower $40,000 to the upper end of $100,000 depending on your chosen career path.
The most natural career choice would be based in government, whether working stateside or at an embassy in another country. A degree in International Relations would let you travel the world and try to make it a better place, either abroad or back home. Possible government departments you could find yourself working in with this particular degree include the Department of Intelligence or the Department of Defense.
Many people who go into this field of study want to help others, so working in the nonprofit sector would also be an excellent career choice. You could work with national and international non-profit organizations to help serve those in need.
As you study about diplomacy, it could open up other areas of study for you, such as learning foreign languages. Depending on your fluency, you could pursue a career as a translator or interpreter, helping write materials for a variety of companies or communicating with people.
A Master’s in International Relations touches on many areas of study, including anthropology, sociology, and even mathematics. With this range of skills, many people with this degree may decide to enter into a career in business or law, focusing on trade restrictions as well as implementing and monitoring human resource policies for small merchants across the globe.
Many online universities offer a Master’s in International Relations, including the University of Chicago, Harvard Extension School, Columbia University, and Richmond University.