Let’s face it; the world is changing. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree in the past has been enough to gain you an entry-level job opportunity in your chosen field, without a doubt. But, today perhaps, going the extra mile is what your competition has in mind. How so, you ask? By earning multiple degrees. As two can play that game, you can get the upper leg on the competition, too!
Multiple degrees can make you a more desirable job candidate. In the past, students were able to obtain their online bachelor’s degree and typically find a job without a problem. If you lack real-world experience, having an additional degree, particularly a master’s or Ph.D., can help you land the career opportunity you’ve dreamed about.
What will it take to get to the next level?
If you have already started your career, perhaps you have topped out in terms of career advancement and salary. Often the answer is additional education. Occasionally, the next level up will require either a different type of degree or the same degree in a different subject. For example, perhaps you already have an online bachelor’s degree in communications; however, the next step up requires a bachelor’s degree in marketing. In hopes of applying for the position, you would need to earn the degree first. Some traditional degrees of the past have gradually lost their effectiveness. If you have found that this has happened to you, perhaps a specialized degree in the same category would be useful. For example, if your computer degree has become obsolete, maybe a degree in cybersecurity will make you more relevant in the workforce.
Are you bored in your current position?
In some instances, an employee will get burnt out working in one field. Every single day, do you hate going to work? If so, make a change! This is another circumstance where getting additional degrees could be helpful to your career development. While you still have a sufficient income coming in, enrolling in an online bachelor’s degree program in another career field is an excellent idea. You’ll be able to gain new knowledge and skills to enter a new arena. Your next employer will appreciate your commitment to learning as they see you have earned multiple degrees, a sign of dedication, determination, and tenacity.
Generally, if you foresee the possibility of being promoted within a company, of course, prior planning is advised. In addition, if a promotion requires a master’s degree, you will want to get started on that as soon as possible, too. Always be prepared for advancement!
When choosing your next degree, think about how well it marries with the skill set you already have in place. For example, if your goal is to start your own business or obtain a CEO’s position, going back to school for an MBA would be an excellent choice. If you decide to pursue a degree unrelated to your current undergraduate degree, consider how you can use what you already know to make the transition go smoothly.
Also, in any type of online degree program, please be sure that your school of choice is accredited and that your degree credits are transferable, especially if you intend to further your education and earn multiple degrees down the road. If you plan accordingly, you can avoid wasted time, energy and tuition dollars.
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For additional information on schools offering graduate degrees, see our choices for the Top 15 Online Master of Business Administration degree programs. Continuing one’s education in business administration and advancing further in business sectors is never a bad plan! Individuals with more education and a better understanding of the faculties and skill that it takes to be a leader and a manager within their field statistically earn more money and can more easily assimilate into higher positions of leadership.

Not sure which degree is right for you yet? See our Online Degrees That Will Likely Get You A Job that will have your career jump-started in no time. Opportunities in online education are rapidly increasing. Preparing for a career through distance education is becoming easier as well as more time and cost effective. A seemingly overwhelming number of possible degree and career paths available, along with economic uncertainties, can make choosing what to study difficult.