If earning your online Doctor of Ministry degree is a possible option for you, perhaps you are wondering if it is worth your time, effort and money. To be honest, entering a doctorate degree program can be very costly and time consuming. To begin, you will need to seek God’s direction. As we know, all good things come from God and if it is His will, you will be given the knowledge, tenacity and financial aid to follow through and be very successful in your endeavors.
Upon entering a doctorate degree program, you are already, most likely, a participant in ministry in some sort of capacity. Most individuals are full-time, vocational pastors who have already gained valuable experience in leading others to Christ, mentoring their parishioners and teaching the Word through Bible studies and in the pulpit. Pastors are tasked with educating their congregation on life principles, in addition to, guiding them through hardships, illnesses and death, along with happier occasions, such as, performing marriage ceremonies, christenings and baptisms.
At this point, the experienced pastor may question, “what more they can do to advance in their ministry to further help their congregation or other mission fields?” The DMin degree program is designed to allow you to research in the area of study in which you are truly passionate about. It will also allow you to focus on which aspect of ministry will benefit your congregation the most and it will allow you to grow spiritually, as well, in your future ministry efforts.
Some view their encounter with their online Doctor of Ministry degree program as the best experience of their lives. It will give you the opportunity to communicate and consult with like-minded professionals with the same goals as you. You will be exposed to challenging coursework and mentors that you might not ordinarily meet, if not for your doctorate program.
If you believe God has called you to serve as a minister in a larger capacity, perhaps a DMin degree will further your career in allowing you to be eligible for a position in a larger church setting. Most larger churches do consider the PhD as the preferable degree, however, for a minister who would like to continue cultivating their ministry skills, an online Doctor of Ministry degree is for you.
When searching for an online Doctor of Ministry degree program, please make sure that it is accredited. And, remember, whether you choose a DMin or PhD program, the title of Dr. attached to your name is not important to God… only the ministry work you put forth in His name. In today’s world, our churches should have qualified personnel to meet the needs of our communities. Through a rigorous DMin program, you will learn how to fulfill these needs, therefore, enriching the lives of your congregation, community and yourself.
If you would like to learn more about this field, please check out our Top 3 Online Schools for Doctor of Ministry degree programs for more information.