If you have a heart to serve others, a life in ministry is a true blessing. And if you are considering earning your online Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree, then your faith has lead you down this path, no doubt. In the field of ministry, a DMin degree is the highest professional degree awarded. The program is designed to assist pastors and missionaries, as well as, other church leaders in sharpening their professional skills in the ministry.
As you are already committed to working in ministry, there are online doctorate classes readily available for those who need convenience and flexibility. Earning your online degree should not interfere with your ministry, therefore, an online program is most beneficial. A prerequisite for entering an online Doctor of Ministry degree program is to have previously earned the Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent, which is a requirement mandated by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). Some programs may require proficiency in a biblical language, such as, Hebrew or Greek plus, you will need at least three years of ministerial experience. In some instances, recommendation from your home church may be required.
If you have received your Master’s degree, you are ready to begin your journey of faith to advance your career in many ways. You will learn how to provide spiritual guidance and direction to your congregation, as well as, for yourself. You may also choose to concentrate on a certain area of specialization or perhaps a series of classes, such as the Old and New Testaments. Some schools implement a cohort program which allows you to experience the courses with the same group of students through its duration, allowing you to forge life-long friendships and colleagues. In fact, some schools may require residencies or on-campus projects, as well.
Your online Doctor of Ministry degree program will combine church history, biblical theology and biblical studies. You may experience coursework such as, spiritual leadership within mission work, Christian organizations and within your pastoral presentations. You will learn about world religions and Christianity, discipleship and outreach ministries, as well as, how to build your congregation through church planting, advance preaching techniques, in addition to, cultural differences, ethical leadership and Christian mentoring. You will learn how to assist in crisis, conflict and relationship counseling and how to bring the Bible to life and how your congregation can apply it to their own lives.
In addition, your online Doctor of Ministry degree program will include a project and/or thesis requirement. A project, such as identifying a need or an issue that is of interest to you can be researched and you will be expected to apply your knowledge, arrive at a solution and prepare a presentation. A thesis will also need to be completed. Your program, most likely, will take three to four years to complete.
A life in ministry is a rewarding and fulfilling experience like no other. Your parishioners will appreciate the time and effort you have invested in assisting them in their everyday lives. We have compiled a list of the Top 3 Online Schools for Doctor of Ministry degree programs for your convenience.