Online college education is chock full of opportunity. An ever-expanding variety of degree and certificate programs as well as a full range of degrees that can be earned online–from the certificate level all the way to the doctorate–makes earning that desired degree a more attainable goal. Along with the amazing new possibilities online education brings, there also comes an at times overwhelming amount of information that can make choosing the RIGHT DEGREE and RIGHT ONLINE PROGRAM very, very difficult. Online Schools Center wants to help make this easier. This is where I come in. Having been through the stages and phases of college myself, from undergraduate study through doctoral studies, I know first hand the importance of GOOD INFORMATION that is the RIGHT INFORMATION for those looking to find the best degree and school fit. I count it a privilege to be able to help make the important decisions about college a bit easier by researching and writing about colleges and degree programs. I hope the information I present on Online Schools Center helps those in different places in their studies and in all walks of life make a more informed choice about their college decisions so they can achieve their education and career goals.