Typically, most students just beginning their educational journey have good intentions. They start out excited about their on-campus college experience or look forward to completing an online distance learning degree program, but then life happens. For various reasons, students sometimes are not in the position to finish their degree program, and sometimes… from no fault […]
How do schools keep online students from cheating?
If you intend to cheat in your online program, WHO are you actually cheating? YOURSELF! Hopefully, at this stage of your educational journey, you’ve matured and learned that cheating only hurts oneself; however, if you are still tempted… think again. Deception remains a problem for both the traditional brick-and-mortar school, as well as, the online […]
What’s the deal with tuition-free schools?
One of the most critical aspects of attending college is the student’s or parent’s excessive financial responsibility. No one wants to be left with massive student loans to pay back after graduation. Studies show that a majority of students graduate school with an extraordinarily high mound of college debt to whittle away at as they begin their […]
Is a minor just as important as my major?
Deciding on a major to earn while you are pursuing an online undergraduate degree can be a daunting task. You are expected to have an idea, after high school graduation, what your post-secondary coursework should entail, correct? Often, students are not sure what their major should be, so, how is one to choose a minor, […]
What computer requirements are needed to take online classes? (Updated for 2021)
Many students already have the equipment required to take online classes with no problems, but it’s important to know if what you currently possess will do the trick. A computer that was manufactured recently should be able to handle any online school program. Of course, the minimum requirements may also be dependent upon the course management system […]
Can I start an online course at any date/time?
Are you thinking about starting an online distance learning program? Are you anxious to get started? Or, are you a procrastinator, waiting for the enrollment deadline to roll on by so you can put it off a little longer? Whatever your situation or desires are, rest assured you can find a program that will fit […]
Will my online degree be the same as the traditional degree?
When you are spending your hard-earned money and dedicating your valuable time to earning a college degree of any kind, you must be sure that an online degree will be acceptable by prospective employers, right? Who wants to go through the rigorous process of earning a degree only to find out it’s not worth the […]
Would beginning at my local community college be the best choice for me?
At any age, if you are considering going to college, you have a significant choice to make. Should you apply to a four-year university, enroll in an online distance learning program, or begin your post-secondary educational journey at your local community college? There’s no wrong answer here, as each student should review their finances and […]
How could having multiple degrees help me break into the career I want?
Let’s face it; the world is changing. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree in the past has been enough to gain you an entry-level job opportunity in your chosen field, without a doubt. But, today perhaps, going the extra mile is what your competition has in mind. How so, you ask? By earning multiple degrees. As […]
Many university systems have multiple locations. Do all universities offer the same online programs at each location?
Generally, the traditional brick and mortar school will also give their students the option of learning at home. Online distance learning programs usually are the same that are offered to on-campus students. They provide the same coursework, as well as, the same start dates. However, there are always exceptions. Online learning is great because it […]